Thursday, August 2, 2012

Creative Live

Oh my gosh, I have been so engrossed in watching videos from this new site I found last weekend that I have GOT to share it before I bust. The site is called Creative Live and I have been watching the most amazing videos on photography. There are classes that last up to three days AND they are free. Yes, you heard it folks, I said FREE. If you watch the live broadcasts then there is no cost to you. However, they also offer DVD's at a nominal fee if you'd like all the class materials, videos and links that they provide during the show to watch at your leisure. Then during the down time in the schedule Creative Live rebroadcasts certain videos so there are always videos or live broadcasts happening.

I am so excited to find this site. I happened upon it when I was looking for some photography videos on YouTube. Let me just say . . . . I have found more interesting sites while searching through YouTube than any other site.

For those of you who need a bit of help touching up your photos in Photoshop, there is a three day class August 22nd - 24th called Photoshop for Photographers. I will be watching . . . maybe even interacting. Yep, you can also ask questions and make comments during the live show through Twitter, Facebook and Google +. Click here for their calendar of events and see if they have anything that interests you.

As always, no one has asked me to post these links, just sharing the stuff that I find interesting during my web surfing hours.The internet feeds my cravings for learning new things . . . heaven help me if I get bored (not a pretty site).

That's all for now. Thanks for visiting!
