Hello everyone! Hope your weekend is going great. I want to share a video I ran across today that embodies my thoughts on scrapbooking.
Why do I do it?
Here's why . . . . .
As I look over all my pictures from my 20's and 30's, I feel a bit sad that I wasn't able to capture more of those memories on film. Yes, I said film. We didn't have all the digital advantages at that time. I suppose that's why scrapbooking is so important to me. I want to be able to put down on paper those memories that may be forgotten. Not only for review by me and my family now but for future generations to be able to know who we were and how we lived.
My parents are gone now and I think of all the things I didn't ask them. All the memories that they took with them in their passing. Funny tales of sibling rivalry or tender moments about their first loves, family recipes that are now lost forever and oh so many other things. I hope that I will answer these types of questions inside some of my scrapbooking and maybe NOT leave so much unsaid or unshared.
My hope is that you'll share a memory with someone today!
Thanks for visiting.